Today one of my worst nightmares happened when preaching. Lately, I have been using short manuscripts with just my points because I am starting to find that full manuscripts are too busy and I start getting lost in all the writing and that I personally was becoming TOO reliant on my notes (nothing against those that do use them, there’s different strokes for different folks). So lately I have only been writing my points & rolling with those. Today, I reverted back to a more full manuscript closer to the ones I haven’t been using for the past few months (you can see the beginning of it below) because there was a lot of information I needed to cover concerning my text.
To my detriment, I transposed the names Isaac and Jacob for the duration of the whole sermon. When I got to church, I needed to add a quick note about Jacob being the grandson of Abraham and how the promise given to Abraham was fulfilled in part by his life. I misplaced that note at the beginning of the manuscript and planned to move it but ran around getting media stuff up and going and to my detriment, I saw Jacob at the beginning of my notes and referred to ISAAC as Jacob the WHOLE sermon while attempting to preach on how God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac!
Even though I had Isaac’s name throughout my notes, Jacob would not UNARREST me!
So if yall watched today, please accept my apologies. I never wanna appear to misuse the Word of God or give false information. A simple mental error could easily cause theological & exegetical malpractice and anyone who knows me knows I take seriously how I handle the Word of God. I am only sharing this to show the importance of staying prayed up, focused and cognizant of what you get up and say from the pulpit.